Good day everyone,
Wow it has been a bit since I posted here last (guess that is how long developments can take in the O&G field!). I just noticed that in Texasfile there was a document filed for my same Section, Block and Township under the descriptor of “Easement for Electrical Lines for Well”. I have minerals in the NW/4 of that section and the easement states it is for the “northeast” portion of this section.
With something of this nature, do they have to file an easement for each quarter of a section (such as NE/4, NW/4, SW/4 etc)?
Easement is done with surface owner along the line where the electric line is located. It may not cross the entire section. There should be a plat attached to the recorded easement.
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Thanks so much @TennisDaze , I do see on the easement document where it has a short paragraph called Platted Property, "Lot(s)of the Subdivision/Addition " but the underlined sections are blank. I tried to search with “plats” checked on as the document type but got 0 results for a plat map, is there a way to check for a map outside of Texasfile or Courthouse Direct?
Try talking to the Electrical Company that is going to construct or constructed the line. It might be a lot easier.
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There should be an attached Exhibit(s) with surveyed plat and legal description. This would generally be the last couple pages of the recorded document. It will not be filed as a separate document. If you own minerals and no surface, then you will have no say in where the electric line is placed.
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Thanks so much again @TennisDaze and @Mineral_Owner5 !