Hi I received division orders from Acoma for well Parker 2, I called and was told they were taking over operations for Slant, however Slant has a lease on an entirely different well TxL south I feel I was mislead… how do I find out.
I also received a Div. Order from Acoma for Parker #2, located in Section 15, Block 45, Township 2 South, Ector County, TX … and I’ve been in contact with Acoma. I was told this was a previously shut-in well that’s now been restored to producing status. If I remember correctly I thought that Acoma took over from Contango and not Slant. Who did you speak with at Acoma? If you haven’t, you might want to speak with Hayden Jordan, Director of Land in Acoma’s Lubbock office, ph 720-420-3249. You might want to start with her to verify if it was actually Slant that was previous operator. I also asked for the API # for the Parker #2 well and was given 42-135-10290. With that # you can go to the Texas Railroad Commission website and find out more info using that API #. Hope this helps.
It was a man I spoke to so I just left a message for Hayden. Quite possible he didn’t listen to the “Slant” part and just responded to the taking over part I left my return details for Hayden
The section you described matches ours, ty
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