Ellis County Mewbourne Oil

I’m trying to find out if Mewbourne Oil is drilling or intent to drill in or around W 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of section 21, Township 18 North, Range 21 in Ellis County Oklahoma. My mother received paperwork from them for a long time in horizontal well then I think it was stopped. We received all the court papers. Since then my mother has passed and we have not heard a word about this. Anyone know anything or how I could find out? Thank you in advance.

First thing is to get the correct paperwork (Probate, Proof of Death, etc) filed in the county clerk’s office so potential interested parties can get in touch with you. As for activity in that section, I don’t see any, nor has then every, to my knowledge, been any activity in this section by Mewbourne.

I have already done all this. I have papework from Mewbourne from 2023. This is why I am trying to find out whatever happened with this. There was intent to drill horizontal. There is already a well close by drilled by someone else called the Ranger.

As Todd said, there hasnt been any apps or oders filed in the 18N-21W by Mewbourne at all. The Ranger well you mentioned was drilled by Presidio in 2011 and has been inactive since 2014.

Wouldn’t be directly as the Nature Conservancy owns the surface rights. It would have to be a horizontal drill.