EQT Horizontal Rogersville Shale Permit Approved

Commission gives permit to Kentucky's first
fracking drilling site
New drilling operation will not be subject new drilling regulations
By Brad Bowman, Published: April 16, 2015 4:01PM
The Kentucky Oil and Gas Conservation Commission gave the green light for Kentucky’s first horizontal deepwell
fracturing operation in a special meeting Thursday.
The commission granted a drilling permit to Horizontal Technology Energy Company of Pennsylvania that will set
up an oil and natural gas drilling operation in Johnson County.
Based off of a recommendation by hearing officer Gordon Slone, the company will drill at a target depth of
11,200 feet and has been approved for a vertical depth of 15,000 feet.
The well will tap into the Rogersville Shale that is a part of eastern Kentucky and West Virginia.
Full story in tomorrow's State Journal.