Estimated value?

I inherited a number of lots in Section 19 30 and 31 of R20W. Is there any way to know if new activity is near and how i can tell the value?

What is the Township?

Sorry i left that out. 13N

Did the executor of the will give an estimated value as of the date of death or six months after? The estimated value will depend upon the remaining volume of products and the price per product over a certain period of time.

19-13N-20W has one active gas well.

Ed Covey 1-19. Owned By Mach Natural Resources. Has about 20% of its life left. API 35-039-22215

30-13N-20W has two active gas wells.

K.C. Cattle 1-30 Crawley Petroleum or Sparks Resources. Has about 20% of its life left. API 3503920678

K.C. Cattle 2-30 Crawley Petroleum. Has about 20% of its life left. API 3503922164.

31-13N-20W has one old shut in gas well.

It is your responsibility to contact the operators and ask to be put in pay. If you have files from your ancestor, they would need the owner number. Ask they what they need-usually your driver’s license, copy of probate, etc.

Be cautious about any offers to buy. I see that Devon is drilling a disposal well in 34 and a horizontal in 27/34, so a new play may head your way. Do not be too quick to sell.

Devon filed a location exception and multi unit horizontal 50% for section 30 and 50% for section 31 on 8/23/2024. Regarding value, as of now your minerals value is what they are currently producing every month. Its impossible to determine future value as you/we dont know if they will actually drill another well or what oil and gas prices will be when/if they complete it. If you want to spend some time, you can look at recently completed Devon wells nearby your sections to make an educated guess.

Thanks so much for the responses. I have another question, maybe a dumb question, how can I verify how many acres I have total? The minerals I have are split between numerous family members. I can see on the clerk records the total surface acres but not sure how to tell my percentage. Also the offers I am getting are based on acreage at 3/16 royalty. How can I tell the percent royalty?