We are trying to make a decision regarding selling producing rights. Location below. Looking at the well maps (also below) we can see that the townships where our rights are located are some of the sparsest in the area. Do we have rights in a not-too-great area or is production headed our way? We have been offered 7000 per acre. Can anyone help us know if this is a fair price?
Township 7 North, Range 61 West Township 7 North, Range 62 West Township 8 North, Range 62 West Tract #1: Section 5: SW/4 Tract #3: Section 1: N/2 Tract #5: Section 26: S/2 Tract #2: Section 6: NW/4 Tract #4: Section 2: N/2 in the County of Weld , State of Colorado, containing 1280.000 gross