Find past leases associated with mineral rights

How can I obtain the prior leases associated with owned mineral rights. My husband and cousins inherited mineral rights as of Jan. 2015 though executor wasn’t able to file that deed until 2016. That cousin acting as executor just informed remaining cousins a land man is making a new offer. It’s come to light they most likely extended in 2020, signed a new lease in 2023 and just now informing others who weren’t aware of the rights. Is there a way to check what leases were held and if the current lease at time of relatives passing paid annually/ monthly to figure if remaining cousins were due back pay? This is entirely new to us and wanting to find out as much information as transparency seems questionable.

Please give your state and county so we can answer better.

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Oh yes, thank you. The rights are in Lavaca County Texas

There are 950+ sections/sq miles in Lavaca county alone. Which section, what Block, or an API # for a well? Lavaca is a large county. More info is needed. :slight_smile: MK

I just know that they are from the John A Fox Survey A-173. New to this and this is what I have for identifying the location in the upper left corner of Lacaca County

The A-173 is the survey number. It will show us what is going on to some extent.

There is only one horizontal well that was approved there in 2013. The other wells have been dry holes. There is some activity to the West of the area though. MK

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Thank you. I just found something similar. Can I ask where you found that info and where I could view any leases and what was offered etc.? I’m trying to find as much as I can to see if my husband and other cousins besides executor are owed back pay. Also to learn if it has produced in the past and negotiate our current offer.

I used the GIS viewer for Texas. MK

Thank you. This has been very helpful. Can you tell me if this shows a current and active well for oil? If so where can I find information on its production?

Also is there any public records site where I can find past leases contracted with this track of average?

You could try to see what you can find on leases.
You can search unclaimed funds at the Texas comptroller’s office.
Use the Texas Railroad commission site to touch that well and see who the operator is and contact them.