How can I easily find working interest owners and Royalty Interest Owners for Older leases in Lea County, New Mexico? The leases are NM-56264,NM-54432,NM-84902,NM-06570 and NM94622. The leases have not been active for some in a while and some are now newly active.
You cannot easily find either, especially not royalty owners. You can look through LR2000/MLRS and try to decipher who the WI owners were. This is the BLM, easy is not an option.
One option, go here: BLM Reporting Application
At above link type in serial numbers in a format like this NMNM 054902
And you might get a big pdf. Seemed to work for 4 of the 6 numbers above.
Second option, go to the NM Gis map (ArcGIS Web Application), make sure the BLM case layer is turned on, go to your land location, click on the polygon (say for example in the E2 of Sec 15 of 20s34e), it will bring up a lease window, you can click on serial register page (more info link), and it will give you the PDF for that lease. Which you can then scroll through 8 pages of gibberish to see if you can figure out who was assigned what.
Did I mention it’s not easy?
Your’s is a reasonable question, its just a poopshow. All you have to do is spend 10 minutes fruitlessly typing in serial numbers in various formats at the BLM sites to realize that everyone at the BLM should probably be getting termination notices from some 16yo from DOGE. But I digress.
I mean if the leases are not active (assuming we mean the same thing by active), then there are no WI owners and there are no royalty owners.
Be sure and check for active wells. The one listed above has active horizontal wells.
Yeah, all the leases are producing/held. Operators are most likely the WI owners. Not sure what the goal is here