Can a family name be typed into the OCC web site and any related documents retrieved ?
Sure would be nice for running down family members long deceased who had interested and was pooled or otherwise.
Can a family name be typed into the OCC web site and any related documents retrieved ?
Sure would be nice for running down family members long deceased who had interested and was pooled or otherwise.
John, Have you search these two places?
You can also search respondents by name on a few paid subscriptions like drillinginfo ext..
Yes, RICK, I, have, but no results . Regarding the lost property site many years ago I, called them they found something which dated to ca.1961 for my grandmother. But there were too many hoops to jump through. On line there is no information.
Back in '85 I, went to the OCC and they were able "somehow" to do a name search on documents . But those documents have now gotten away from me. It's a day to return to the OCC travel time. Now in this advanced COMPUTER age, they ought to be a way to find the information without becoming a LANDMAN and manually searching the records in Duncan or Chickasha .
A cousin had sent me some papers and there was my grandmothers name, but they were using initials for first and middle and had prefaced her name with a MR not an Mrs or Ms. Also a brother lived in New York and in a pooling order they could not find him. Now on line at lost property the information is vague but may be him. He passed several years ago.
My grandparents - no telling what they owned in the Marlow and Texas area. In his will Grandpa only noted he had mineral land rights in Oklahoma and Texas. But he didn't say where . Over the years some of the Oklahoma has came to light.
Tks for your input.
Steve I, will try that tks !1
I'm not aware of a searchable database that the OCC has in use with respondents names. A call may verify its existence or lack of. Like Steve said, there are some 3rd party subscription databases which pull the respondent data from applications and orders. But even that can only give you a place to start looking for ownership. County records will still have to be searched.
The documents that got away from you are going to cost you time and/or money to recreate. Probate orders from grandparents or great grandparents are a good place to start if most was inherited through the process. To go rebuild records from scratch, not know what legal description or even county is going to be tough in Oklahoma.
I believe the main reason there is not much to search on is that mineral rights are are not taxed like surface rights are. I do know the situation is not unique to Oklahoma from conversations at NARO conventions.