I found a division order from 1987 in Eastland County, TX, for my late Great Aunt in the family papers. There is no other info about her mineral rights in that county. The company was Sun Refining & Marketing, property name Troxell, Operator North Ridge Corp, Field Mangum N, Section 42, Block 3, H&TC Railway Co Survey. Any suggestions on how to begin researching these mineral rights?
The well was drilled i 1987. SA 2 Troxell 1. API 4213337036. TD 3940. You can search on www.Texasfile.com under her name. The well is inactive. Very low production. Looks like the last date of info is 2023/08. Last production 2010/10 No leases or permits nearby.
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Thank you for all the terrific info! Our next step will be to see if we can determine the extent of her ownership in Eastland County. We have found a copy of the lease in Texasfile.com and will continue our research. Any other thoughts would be welcome!