Is there a free site that this information could be found? I only found TGS and they aren’t free nor could I easily find out the cost. I’m thinking that if I go back and look at every months production and sale since 2009 I could come up with a guess but darn, I don’t want to have to do that. Any suggestions?
What exactly are you hunting for? Return On Investment? For whom? For what? The mineral owner who bought it decades ago for a few dollars, the operator who invested in leasing, seismic, drilling and completion (or all of their working interest partners)? You could be considering private information for thousands of owners for a particular well. Not aware of any public source.
if you are talking about the operator, the closest you might find are any public quarterly presentations.
It looks you want to perform a type of financial analysis related to your royalty income possibly to establish a value. In your situation, this is typically done through a present value analysis where you predict a stream of cashflows in the future and provide a discount interest rate (say 10%) in order to provide a present value of those cashflows. You can do this through most spreadsheet software Excel, Numbers or Google Sheets and can most likely find some guidance videos on YouTube. Since you will be making multiple assumptions on future cashflows, you need to treat the results as speculative. Good luck.
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