I inherited bits and pieces of oil and gas properties 25-30 years ago. I’ve received a modest income (enough for a few frivolities) over the years. Recently I had an offer to buy my holdings in Section 09, Township 1S, Range 4W in Stephens County. I have stuff scattered all over, some identified by “Lovett-Legrand”, others just “Stephens County” (also maybe some in Grady and Comanche counties), and really don’t have a true idea of what/where it all is. A couple of the properties yield monthly checks worth a trip to the bank. I would like to know for certain which of my properties are located in the area under discussion and where the other ones really are (Township 1N figures in some of the properties, others, I’m not sure.) Some of the wells have been inactive for a while. Anyway, I’m a little old lady with 5-25 years left, God willing, and I would like to maximize my enjoyment of these inheritances. Selling this piece anyway sounds good to me. Any advice on how to track down my holdings and get organized? Every few weeks i get offers to buy my mineral rights or lease the holdings. I’ve been ignoring them, but I don’t want to leave a tangle for someone to sort out after I am gone.
You can search using the following links:
Comanche Comanche County | OKCountyRecords.com | County Clerk Public Land Records for Oklahoma
Grady: Grady County | OKCountyRecords.com | County Clerk Public Land Records for Oklahoma
Stephens: Stephens County | OKCountyRecords.com | County Clerk Public Land Records for Oklahoma
Keep in mind that several of these have limited historical information online. However, if they were inherited, you may be able to track down a probate order with all of the properties listed.
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