Seeking Land Man for information on Oil Lease proposal in Northeast McCaulley area. Thank you, JJ Brown
Whats your offer and legal description?
West 320 Acres of Section 8, Block E
1/16th of 320 A, split 3 ways = 1/48th.
Lease $500. Sell $3333.33.
Lessor is 5L Properties of Breckenridge, TX
You’re pretty close to some good horizontal production. I’ve see some isopach maps that still have you in pay. I would never sell, but I think 100-200 an acre and 20% is fair. I’d enquire about what they plan to do, because this is a vertical play and 5L only operates vertical holes.
Thank you. How can you tell this is a vertical play. Please educate me.
JJ did 5L offer $500. per NMA to lease?
What can you tell me about SW/4 Section 58, Block 1, HT & B Survey, Fisher Co. Tx. in regards to isopach maps.
Eddy, Yes, offer was $5500 per NMA to Lease. What was 5L’s offer to you?
OOOOPs $500, not $5500. Darn!
We Leased to them in January of 2020 for $50.00 NMA. Before all the horizonal activity. Thank Yoy JJ
In the 100-150 gross. You just got two permits to the east of you.
This sand is a tight reservoir that was not very good vertically. Peregrine, Cholla, Browning/Clearfork and others have been drilling this horizontally. You have a few permits (the same as Gibson) to the south of you. Should be the same play.
Thank you, I am assuming that the 100-150 is thickness of formation?
Yes sir, the strawn sands.
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