Found letters of mineral rights ownership

40 years ago my mother inherited mineral rights in love county OK. For years she got small checks.
I have found several letters Lease agreements, kcs bankruptcy, several offers to lease. The first document is dates 1982 with the lease. The last letter she received is dated july 2008 with an offer to buy the mineral rights

Several letters state she owns 9.6 net mineral acre interest, but earlier lease show she had 140 acres…more or less as they put it

I live in Ohio. She passed in 2014 and had not received any royalties for some time before her death.
How do i find out if there was drilling. If she still owns the rights, as they were inherited.

I have no idea where to begin unless i fly to ok and go to court house and research record and then i still dont know how to go about this

If anyone can offer guidance id appreciate it.

She probably owned 9.6 acres out of a gross of 140. The lease wording often has the gross acreage, but the offer letters usually have the net.

If you state the section, township and range, we can help you with the activity.

You actually do not have to fly to OK as a starting point. You can look up her name at It is free to look, costs just a bit to print.

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Thank you for replying.
After research, I underdstood that online research was not an option, it must he done in person. Happy to know its not

SECTION 17-7S-3E Love County

I fouund her name in ok records I dont know if what i found is a buyer lease agreement or if she sold the rights

Her name is Beverley Heinselman

The best I can tell all of the wells in Section 17-7S-3E have been plugged. The last record I find in the county clerk’s records for your mother is an Oil & Gas Lease she executed in June 2004.

You might want to go ahead and get the mineral rights passed to the heirs through her probate. Never know when something will pop up again.

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At a bare minimum you may want to consider an affidavit of heirship. It won’t vest marketable title immediately, but it will provide notice of your claimed right to inherit. You can always file a probate at a later date if needed.

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