Has anyone seen a fracking rig on Section 13 3S 4W in the last couple months? Thanks in advance.
@Joseph_C_Gentry, just what do you mean by" fracking rig"?
Hydraulic fracturing is the process of pumping proppent laden fluid into a well that has been drilled. This is part of what is known as the completion of a well. This takes place (generally) before first production.
A “rig” in the oil patch is either a drilling rig for drilling an initial hole, or a completion rig, which is usually a derrick mounted onto a vehicle that is road capable so as to visit a well to fix problems that occur over time.
Hydraulic fracturing jobs involve lots of portable equipment like pumps, tanks, hoses, pipes, ponds (sometimes), sand carriers etc. that are all assembled on location in order to perform the job.
Connell wells are listed as completed in early March.
Thank you Ms. Barnes!
The reports won’t show up for another four or five months on the OCC. Normal.
I was guessing that Continental was going to wait to f
Frack them with prices so low for gas. It will be interesting to see if there is much oil involved.
The wells make enough oil in this area that gas is secondary.
Thanks Todd, the existing well has been way more gas than oil, but maybe at least one of the new wells is in a different formation. Can’t wait to find out!
I grew up in N Texas and OK but never been to Utah. Always liked rocks too.
Cool pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Are these photos from the Connell wells?
No west Texas is we’re I worked in this industry
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