Deborah and Virginia, In the Woodford shale of Oklahoma, Continental Resources says the gas they produce is so “wet” with other liquids like butane and propane that they can get at least $8 per mmbtu, far more than the going rate of $4.32 for dry gas."
Concerning ‘Wet’ Woodford Shale Gas…
“That is understood to mean gas liquids, even condensate,…” see article below…
Recovery factors of 15% to
30% for shale gas (wet gas) and 3% to
7% for shale oil
Very little leasing and no well information by Red Fork.
Their is very little leasing going on, but I have heard it will pick up in the fall as lots of leases will expire in Oct to Dec.
I don’t know where Red Fork is drilling in Garfield Co, they have several wells in N. Noble Co and was moving east last I heard. They seem to be a good company so far.
Berenice, Companies are raising cash for infill drilling and are consolidating their core positions. For example, Devon just sold Arkoma position to Linn Co and reported their debt reduced. Here’s Redfork’s Quarterly Report dated March 2014 that states their “2014 Forward Development Plan”. OCC me told that there are a lot more wells to be drilled.
I just read where the Getty in 21 21n 3w was published as completed; a very small well. May not be a good sign! Something like 34 barrels.
Looks like another Corporation Commission delay on Section 27, 21n, 3w Garfield county. 1st schedule was June 10, then July 22, now August 19th. Still no well completions or anything acknowledged by Devon. I am beginning to think this could go on for a year. I try to teach people about patience, but apparently I need to follow my own words. I just see where other companies file reports, list completions, etc that are a lot newer wells than ours.
I am wondering how and why Devon choices to report some well completions and test, like the Getty a few sections over, drilled and then completed within a few months and already reported. Not a good well, but at least they know it’s not a good well! Would have thought when they fracked they would have fracked several in the area and completed at the same time. Just wondering!!!
Well a conversation with a very helpful lady at the Corporation Commission let us finally find out about the well status. No completion has been filed, no production has been filed, nothing, still hope I guess. Ha
Garfield: SandRidge Exploration & Production LLC; Bowen 2407 No. 1-30H Well; SE1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 30-24N-07W; 528 barrels oil per day, 3,216,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,909.
SandRidge Exploration & Production LLC; Carlson Trust 2407 No. 1-15H Well; S1/2 SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 (SL) of 15-24N-07W; 157.75 barrels oil per day, 752,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 10,628.
SandRidge Exploration & Production LLC; CF Land 2407 No. 1-31H Well; NE1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 SW1/4 (SL) of 30-24N-07W; 324 barrels oil per day, 699,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 11,454.
Virginia, looking at the latest info from Mr. Pepper, I still believe I am on a 640 spacing. If otherwise I don’t know it.
Section 27 21n 3w goes back to the Corporation Commission tomorrow, hopefully it doesn’t get rescheduled again. Just want to finally know something.
Virginia, here is the last order I received again from Mr. pepper
Well once again section 27 21n 3w has been rescheduled until September 19. Am really not for sure what the hold up is but oh well!
I think I would email Devon and see why they are having to re-space it all the time.
Virginia, I am really not for sure what is going on with Devon and this Eason well, section 27 21n 3w. I just know it had been rescheduled 4 times now. I am truly beginning to wonder if they’ve found anything at all, maybe scared to admit to the Chinese that they made a mistake. ha. I am so ready for this to be over, don’t know if I could go through another well or not. I did call Devon before and never heard back. I just truly believes someone knows something about this well. Then again I’ve noticed that on all of the Devon HXL wells in Garfield county that nothing has been released on any of them. Top Secret I suppose.
Deborah, You are so right about the secrets. Companies collect tons of info from the new wells to determine what to do next and that info is considered a ‘trade secret’. People who see this info have to sign ‘will not disclose trade secrets’ agreements and get in big trouble if they leak the info.
Believe the first payment needs to be received 6 months after the first sale but the division order needs to be sent no later than 6 months after well completion,someone please correct me if this is wrong.
Devon has already posted initial production results for the wells so I am going on the assumption that the wells are producing,hpoe I am right.