My significant other has several parcels in weld county. We have been receiving royalties on her Bringelson Ranch parcel section 20 township 9 range 58 from Carrizo Oil for about the last year. When I compare the oil price that her royalty is calculated on in her check stub vs. the market rate, the royalty check oil price is always roughy $7-10 dollars under the NY Mercantile oil price. Is this true for others in Weld county ? What is troubling to me that that Carrizo's financials for the 2nd quarter 2014 state that their Average sale price per barrel of oil was $98.90 yet we were paid based on a price of $92.28. in the most current royalty check covering August the price is down to $82.43.
My questions would include
1) weld county price lower the NY Mercantile ?
2) what are producer requirements for transparancy with mineral owners ? ( what info can I require Carrizo to provide us )
3) Are producers allowed to deduct any costs prior to calculation of oil price royalty is
based on ?
4) I assume hedging activies should not be included in roylaty calculation since this is a financial transaction and risk stategy for Producers shareholders and has nothing to do with the physical oil transaction. Am I correct ?
Thanks for any information that can help enlighten us.