There are three of us who own identical fractional mineral rights in section 22, block 35 in Allen and Fowler, and we have received an offer. What is the going rate for this location?
What township or abstract is it in? There are multiple Section 22 Block 35’s in Glasscock Co. TX.
Properties are located in T-2-S. Thank you.
What part of section 22 do you own in? It changes the price depending on whether its the East half/West Half, South half/North Half etc…
I own small fractional interests in the Allen and Fowler Leases which include: W2 NW/4 Sec 22 Blk 35 T2S NE/4 Sec 22 Blk 35 T2S SW/4 Sec 22 Blk 35 T2S SE/4 Sec 22 Blk 35 T2S S/2 NE/4 Sec 22 Blk 35 T2S