Going rates for oil leasing in Borden County TX

My family was approached by a landman several weeks ago he has said $100.00 per net mineral acre bonus plus 18 percent royalty is this good? I inherited this from my father it’s my first time dealing with this.

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What is the legal description for the property? The Southern Part of Borden County has been pretty hot lately. There are a lot of good horizontals being drilled near the border of Howard County.

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This site has more security than all my banks and credit cards. It is just an info thing. Its kind of silly, But if you have Borden County --its worth money and don’t let them steal from you. If Surge gets it–and thats some thing you cannot control…be prepared for complications.


Surge? What do you mean complications? Sorry but this is all new to me

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It would mean a mixed blessing. That company has extensive holdings in Borden an Howard County. They do produce a lot of oil. But they are a hard pay outfit–and have are owned by a Chinese holding company that has hired all the lawyers in Texas. Not much anyone can do about them except live with it–if hey get into your holdings. I would advise you though that who ever is offering you that piddling amount for a lease should not be accepted.

Thank you I appreciate you talking to me. I have no intention of signing that lease. The surface owner has already signed so not sure what that means for me and my family I suppose hiring an attorney is best.

In your opinion what is a rate that is fair?

What’s the legal description? That will determine the bonus.

All of the southwest quarter of section 7, block 32, township 6 North containing 160 acres

All of the northwest quarter and the west 60 acres of the southeast quarter of section 7, block 32, township 6 north containing 220 acres

Does your family own the full 160 net mineral acres, or only a portion thereof?

Yes sir! They are the worst

Other than a delay in getting my title initially confirmed for Surge, my experience has all been good with them. Monthly checks have all been on time and production properly detailed. No complaints.

You’re certainly in the minority, but that gives me hope.

I always thought so.