Goliad County, TX - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

Oil & gas discussion group for those interested in Goliad County, TX. Share your experience regarding lease bonus, royalty rates, drilling activity, and oil & gas news.

any new news about any new permits or new wells any info on the thickness or how deep according to an isopach map

anything going on in goliad county, what is that plant or ?? off diebal road or cr 884, i think it has to do with a co DCM, is that to do with gas

just joined........... thanks for all the good work, nancy

i am a rio in the simmons gas unit located 5 miles east of goliad off hwy 59. the unit is 630a plus, and has been producing mostly gas since '97. i live in williamson co just north of austin, so i don't get much info on what is going on in the county.

i would be interested in any info/plans around the area just east of goliad. does the eagle ford extend into the county?

thanks, jim

is rio a lease name, i am not sure if the eagleford extends in goliad county, we are close to weesatche tx off diebal rd

rio is Royalty Interest Owner. the lease name is Simmons Gas Unit which is several miles north of hwy 59 on franke road. the lease is on the Manahuilla creek

heard from a landman about interest in leasing in goliad county, anybody leased recently what is the going rate per acrea

is there any drilling going on in goliad ?

I hear that some leases are being taken east of Goliad south of 159.

I have mineral rights on franke rd in goliad there are older gas wells but i haven’t heard anything about new drilling and im trying to find out whats there

I have unleased mineral rights in the 1351/Air Base Rd. and 2043/Riverdale Rd. areas. Does anyone know of leasing or drilling activities nearby?

Buy my mineral rights now at a bargain price.

Let's see it that gets any attention. :)

Robert, How many net acres out of how many gross acres and is it leased? What do you want for them?

I'm asking my brother for the specifics. Sent you a friend request so we can discuss off the board.

I have unleashed acreage W of Goliad on 239 near Charco if anyone is interested

Anyone have an idea about a lawyer in San Jacinto County? I just got notice that my royalty interest was sold for a tax deficiency without notice to me that it was a problem. Help.

Anyone hear of Salvador Oil co., he has took over our lease in goliad county, have his number Mr davis leaves a recording, can’t leave a message, doesn’t answer phone anyone have a new number, is he an ok campany,


Texas Oil and Gas Directory does not have a listing for his company.


Clint Liles

I Google it said it is out of Denison tx, the owners name is Austin Davis, it says when I call it says to leave a message, but mailbox is full

The following is a sponsored (paid) promotional notice:

If you own minerals in Texas or New Mexico, consider attending the NARO – Texas convention in San Antonio July 18-20, 2018. They have a great agenda, good speakers, and the cost is reasonable. This year also includes a special session for New Mexico mineral owners. The current agenda draft is attached, and a link to their signup and information page is http://www.naro-us.org/event-2824234

Attachment: 2018-04-30%20-%20NARO-TX%20Convention%20Agenda%20%28Hyatt%29%20invite.pdf