Grady 6n 5w 15 unleased

I have 25 acres of minerals unleased in Grady 6n 5w 15. No pooling order. Continental is in the process of drilling, 2 of 5 wells have been drilled as of 2 weeks ago . Woodford is the target. Pipelines are being layed.

I was hoping that someone may know what kind of production to expect from this area in the Woodford.

What kind of"special fees" can i expect Continental to deducted from the check if I choose to participate?


Hey Tom- I see Continental pooling this section but didn’t see you being a respondent. I’m in the units to the east (McBryde) and to the SW(Umbach) No production from the Umbach unit yet. The McBryde unit wells had initial production between 300 & 700 BOPD. You will get plenty of “special fees” unless you decide to market your gas yourself.

Tom- Have you decided to lease yet?

Please post the source for that curve since type curves can be very specific to location and could be somewhat misleading if they are not from the same area. A Woodford type curve from Hughes county will look different from Grady. With no reference, it is hard to evaluate properly.

That type curve was from Continental’s presentation for their SCOOP Springboard (Page 8); it was just meant to be a point of reference for the mineral owner. As you know each well is different based on operator, location, and completion method. I should have linked to the original source in the first post. Please see attached PDF

2019 BofAML Global Energy Conference.pdf (2.6 MB)

The same curve was shown at the DUG Mid-Continent meeting this week. I recognized it.

I did just receive a pooling order on 15-6N-5W signed Dec.18th. It has a 20 day election period. Terms range from the “standard” 1/8th royalty with $2100 per nma, or $1750 per nma with 3/16ths, or $1400 per nma and 1/5th royalty, or (my choice) $0 per nma with 1/4 royalty. One can also choose to participate in the drilling. Election must be made in writing to Continental Resources, Inc., P.O. Box 269091, Oklahoma City, OK 73126. Those not making an election will receive the 1/8th offer. Jim Vandegriff

Folks not leased can do better than the no cash & 1/4th if they call around.

A post was split to a new topic: 2-9N-8W Leasing activity?