Grady Co. New Wells

We have been receiving letters of new multi unit wells in both Section 3 6N 5W into Section 34 7N 5W as well as from Section 10 6N 5W into Section 3 6N 5W. From what I can tell it looks like 4 more Hansell wells are planned. Is there anymore coming in any of these sections?

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If you are in those sections, you will get the relevant paperwork. You can look up the case numbers on the OCC OAP site and look at the exhibits. The maps can be quite helpful as to which well is going which direction.

Thank you Martha. Looks like there is going to be 4 more Hansell wells located in Grady Co. Sec 3 T6N R5W. What is the site to go to that I can view wells in a specific Sec, Tsp Rng. Trying to see what wells are multi unit wells in Sec 10-3 Tsp 6N Range 5W if any? Appreciate your help.

Go to the OCC wellrecords site. Look up the wells by the surface location.

Your new ones are in section 3. Use a leading zero. 0306N05W in the legal location. Form 1000 is the permit. Form 1001A is the spud. Form 1002A is the completion.