I have received a division order for this well Can anyone tell me what the initial production results are. Thank you, Val Connell Carter
Oct '17 511 BO
Nov'17 6237 BO
Dec '17 2551 BO
Jan '18 5818 BO
Feb '18 3761 BO
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much. I assume you mean that is the total production for the well for those months and are not the barrels produced per day. Is there a chance you own some of these minerals? We own these mineral acres with a family named Craig. If so please contact me at golfer248@gmail.com Thanks, Val
Ha! I wish that was barrels per day! Correct, it is the total production for each month. I do own minerals in this section, but my first name is Craig, not last.
Yes I did realize that but thought perhaps a family name. Hope production increases. Please let me know if you hear anything else. Val Carter (FYI our son is also named Craig)
I have had an offer to purchase at $7250 per acre. It does not sound like the well is that good. Do you have any indication that they will drill more?
I just bought some minerals in this section myself. The well is definitely not the best, but I could not pass up the offer. With a well like this and future development timing up in the air, I would say thats a fair offer. However, I do know that 08N-05W is garnering a little more than that at a 3/16ths with OCC activity.
From Craig back in April on production from the Eisenhour well…
Oct '17 511 BO
Nov’17 6237 BO
Dec '17 2551 BO
Jan '18 5818 BO
Feb '18 3761 BO
I like those figures, Craig, but the Ok Tax Commission gross production report (below) does not show those figures except for the October '17 amount of 511 barrels.
Could you tell us where you got those other figures?
Thanks in advance.
The Eisenhour is definitely a stinker. As of today, making around 100 BO & 200 mcf. The offset isn’t any better.
Todd M. Baker