Grant County, OK - Oil & Gas Discussion archives

From what I can learn, CR is considering using "micro-seismic" techniques on the Eula Mae well (sec 26), in combination with neighboring wells in 23, 24, and 25 of 03N 05W. This means postponing frac'ing until mid-September, because all four wells must be fully drilled before the full process can begin.

My technical understanding of "micro-seismic" is near zero, but see some of the videos at for a possible explanation of what is contemplated in this part of 03N 05W. I imagine one of the Forum's oil/gas professionals can shed further light on the topic. But this information does help explain why we've seen little more than speculation about the reasons behind the apparently-stalled completion of Eula Mae in section 26. Whether it's good news, or no news, or somewhere in between, is above my pay grade.

Linda, I'm new to the forum. have some interest in 4 different sections in 25N-3W. I'm curious to know what kind of offers you get if you don't mind. Thanks, Debby

They are giving 1/5th on some leases in 25n-3w

David & Angela,

Micro seismic surveying is used to determine where the fractures are occurring during the frac job. The measuring instruments can be run in adjacent wellbores or on the surface in a consistent pattern surrounding the well or wells that are being fracture stimulated. Information on where the stress is being "relieved" (fractures) within the reservoir rock is received during the frac job in "real-time" & can be used to redirect the frac fluids to other perforations in the pipe to better breakup the hydrocarbon producing rock to potentially allow more oil & gas to flow out of the well.

Several companies are running frac jobs on wells that are next to each other in an attempt to "attack" the rock from different directions at the same time. Micro seismic surveys can also help control the frac pattern in this case as well.

If you have never witnessed a frac job on a single well, you may not be able to imagine the logistics of getting all the equipment, fluids, and personnel on the location at the same time. Many of the wells drilled have to wait for all the "things" needed and many companies with multiple leases will try to line up several frac jobs so they can move from one well to the next to maximize their time and effective use of the services required.

Drilling and waiting for completion is the normal course in this area unfortunately and, in no way is an indication of the results hoped for by the operator.

Grant: SandRidge Exploration & Production LLC; Heidi 2706 No. 4-23H Well; SE1/4 SW1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 23-27N-06W; 716 barrels oil per day, 871,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 9,679.

SandRidge Exploration & Production LLC; Randy 2705 No. 2-19H Well; S1/2 SE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 19-27N-05W; 479 barrels oil per day, 1,765,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 9,928.

SandRidge Exploration & Production LLC; Randy 2705 No. 3-19H Well; SW1/4 SE1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 19-27N-05W; 389 barrels oil per day, 614,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 9,540.

SandRidge Exploration & Production LLC; Whitzel Trust 2706 No. 4-26H Well; SE1/4 SW1/4 SW1/4 SE1/4 (SL) of 23-27N-06W; 228 barrels oil per day, 883,000 cu-ft gas per day; TD 9,955.

I am new to this venue. How can I find out production on a new site?

Deb Long term production is hard to get unless you have an interest in the well or pay for a website that gives the information, which runs about 6 months behind . Do you have the legal for the tract you want to know about ?

So I can better understand, your posting on July 30 listing SandRidge sites with location and number of barrels and cubic feet of gas with well depth is telling me what? Estimations based on a certain time frame? I believe the legal is S20-T28N-R05W. Smetana. I am not sure if they are done fracking at this point so just trying to learn what info is shared, etc.

Deb It is a test they do when they complete the well , but has little to do with what the production rate will be in most cases.

Thanks Ron.

Deb The well in 19-28-5w tested 560 BOD & 1323 MCF . 21 has two wells , one tested 559 BOD & 594 MCF , the other tested 611 BOD & 1040 MCF . These are good test but I could find no long term production information yet .

My family has some MI in 3-25N-3W. Sandrige did a spacing order in Jan. 13. Don't know if or when they plan to drill but need some cash soon. Does anyone know the best way to go about selling some or all my MI. Thanks

Debby what name is the interest under ?

Ron, my husbands name is VanDeventer. Thanks

Would that be William G. ? Is your interest under the Whitworth 2-3 well in the NW/4 of 3-25n-3w and held by production for I could find no lease in your name going back some time and the Whitworth was the only producing well I could find in 3 .

That would be the SE1/4. Bill's Grandma sold the land in Nov. of 1994. She retained a 1/4 royalty for 20 yrs. WE have the same arrangement in sec. 15,16,&21. WE sold those in 1997. SO if they don't drill by Nov. of 2014 we lose our interest in sec.3.

That sounds like it could make it hard to sale. Is it leased ?

Same person, different computer. No lease involved. Just kept the MI when they sold it. Had an offer to buy about 3 mo. back for $3000/ac. Just wanted to know how to check if that was a good offer or not. Noticed they completed a well a couple of miles north and drilling another next door. Does a spacing order usually lead to drilling or is it nothing to get exited about.