Trying to find any info on this well as it is fairly close to me on Elmo Weedon road in Brazos county. I used the TRRC search engine in the main permit discussion on the brazos county page and could not pull up any permit info etc. I think it is in the E Seale survey. Also would like to know of any permits in the George Powell Survey in the Grassbur road area. Rumor of a well possibly going right behind my property, but have not heard anything regarding leasing etc.
As per Rig Data reports, well spud on October 20th and rig was released between reports on Nov 7 and 14th. Assume well reached TD and set production casing during that time.
If you have the survey number it is easier to search for new permits
Go to the bottom of the Link Page and click on the Plat to see the actual well plat and the P-12 shows the property owners.
Rock Man said:
As per Rig Data reports, well spud on October 20th and rig was released between reports on Nov 7 and 14th. Assume well reached TD and set production casing during that time.
If you have the survey number it is easier to search for new permits
thanks for the info. as far as survey number, which field do you plug that in on the W-1 query. Sorry new and learning all of this. I guess i see why I missed the Sea Wasp info I was searching E Seale and it is under Diaz survey. Thanks again. Really a ton of data you can get into on some of these pages.
Nothing in The Powell right now. Survey A-192. Halcon jumped over it from where the Sea Wasp pad is to permit a two well pad in Clark survey that runs SE to the Brazos river. Those wells are the Warbenger and Tasmanian. I attached a pic from the TXRRC site for a visual. Red circle is the Sea Wasp and blue is the other pad. I feel your pain. My property is about a mile south of the Sea Wasp.
where does the Powell Survey A-192 number come from. Original survey#? I am on Grassbur Road about a 1.5 miles as a crow flies from Sea Wasp. Next question where do you use that number to look up permits. I must be overlooking something very obvious. I think once you get into these sites it can be addictive.
Thanks for all the help and info so far. Also they seem to be running a pipeline from the Sea Wasp to the SW is that something normal, thought they were just trucking out from most of these new wells.
Watch the tutorial video for the RRC site on the bottom of this site's main page. It's the best place to start. After that, just play around. You won't break it. Once you are on the GIS site for maps, there is an option to search by abstract number or name. The abstract number is also on the permit page.
Just noticed that Halcon has a new permit for what looks like a second well from this pad named the Brolga. Looks like it heads the opposite direction from the Sea Wasp into the Davis survey A-104.
So how far in advanced to applying for a permit do they secure leases for mineral rights I wonder. Just curious if they always were going to drill two wells from the same pad?
I was wondering what land was being leased for In Brazos county now price per acre and royalties you have seen, would like to have some comparables if i do get a letter in the mail one day. Please email me so you do not have to post on here.
if this needs to be a new thread please let me know or move.
Halcon submitted a new permit near you. Looks to go into the Powell survey, however I don't see your name on the P-12. The map link is not active yet, but you can look at the plat.
That looks like the pad that will be just past my back fence. On the plat can someone tell me which beach the two red circles designate. I think the one Pp/ftp is the hole location. So what is the #2 Too Pshl?.
There are four red circles - two as the surface location and two at the TD of the lateral.
At the surface, you have PSHL (proposed surface hole location - surface spud point) and PP/FTP (penetration point - for the EF / target -/ first take point).
At the end of the well, BHL is bottom hole location (end of the lateral) and LTP is last take point (last point perforated).
Note the footage calls off the lease / unit line plus the fact that well is being drilled as a "fish hook", i.e. not a straight direction from surface to TD).
So for a dummy in this field. How is a fish hook well setup. Rig first in the PSHL location? I am trying to look at online but not finding the the explanation. Sorry for the questions. Just interested in how all this stuff works. How a fish hook is drilled? Figure it is better to ask on here with those with firsthand knowledge. Than read something on the net. Thanks
Rig set at PSHL and well first directional drilled NNW and then curved to go SE and be in the formation / target at FTP / PP so as to maximize the length of the lateral that will be frac'd / stimulated.
Same surface location will probably be used to drill several more laterals - each initially drilled away from the surface location before being hooked back to drill lateral.
Surface holes will be mostly likely 25'-50' apart.