Hard Knox Garvin county

I had received a Division Order from Marathon back in November 2022, and that was all, just a DO. April 4th, I received another DO from Marathon same Sec 34 4N 4W, Sec 3 3N 4W. Does anyone have any information? I tried looking on the OCC site with no luck. Thank you in advance!

Was it for the Hard Knox 0304 1-3-34SHX well? Surface location in sec 9-3N-4W. You do not have to sign a DO in OK, but they do need your address and name and your W-9 to put you into pay status.

The surface locations seem to be different, although it has 0304 1-3-34sxh. I wasn’t aware that I didn’t need to sign a DO. I am sure Marathon has my address 2-9 and pay status. Thank you for replying Martha.

Here is the completion report.

I am not sure how this will pertain to us, but I see Sec 34 as a Lateral Hole. Thank you for the information!

Hard Knox has a surface hole in section 9 and goes north through 3 and 34. It is a horizontal well. Here is the permit. https://imaging.occ.ok.gov/OG/Well%20Records/1DDC8EB9.pdf Scroll down to the map and you will see the lateral portion of the well that is in 3 and the lateral portion that is in 34. You will get on the percentage of perforations that are in your section. The equation is: net mineral acres / actual spacing acres x royalty x percentage of perforations in your section. That is how they come up with the decimal that you see above. (Not all sections are exactly 640 acres.)

There is an old vertical well in section 34. It is the Martin A 1-34. It has parts of several other horizontal wells.

Section three has quite a few old Purdy Hart and Purdy Springer wells. And another horizontal well.

Thank you Martha. That is a lot of information that I am going to try and process.

Probably a good idea to go ahead and send Marathon a new W-9 with reference to the new well. You can write a cover letter that says you are responding to their request for a DO but that you are not going to sign it since it is not required in OK. Give your owner number which is on the DO and your name and address and the W-9. Send by certified mail return receipt so you have a copy of its receipt.

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So, Martha, I’m hearing that Division Orderes ARE NOT required for Oklahoma wells/business. Is that what I’m hearing, they’re NOT required? I was wondering why I have somevdivision orders and some not sending division orders. Please reply.

Martha, I just don’t know what we’d do without you!

OK does not require division orders to be signed in order to be paid. The operator needs your name and address and your W-9, so send those by certified mail return receipt. Use the owner number at the top of their request letter.

There a few companies that may try to use a longer DO that changes the terms of the lease (which you do not want to happen.) Also, some companies have used the shorter NADOA form that has a clause or so that may take some of your rights away, so that is another reason not to sign.

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