Diceros to represent them in leasing activity ? They say they have five clients in the area.
I have talked with them (Joel) at length several times. For me it seemed like I'd be giving away a slice of my pie (bonus AND futuue royalties) for not much gain. But, it really depends on how comfortable you are with dealing with leases yourself. My opinion, if you are not comfortable doing a lease yourself, find an attorney that specialiczes in O&G leasing and pay them a one time fee to get a good lease for you. I did not like that I'd be paying a part of my potential future royalty payments to Diceros forever.
Thanks for your thoughts on it. That's pretty much the way I see it, too. I do see some value to having ongoing monitoring/reporting of production in the future. There must be ways for owners to do that themselves. And, maybe it would be a nice problem to have...when...if...
N Case said:
I have talked with them (Joel) at length several times. For me it seemed like I'd be giving away a slice of my pie (bonus AND futuue royalties) for not much gain. But, it really depends on how comfortable you are with dealing with leases yourself. My opinion, if you are not comfortable doing a lease yourself, find an attorney that specialiczes in O&G leasing and pay them a one time fee to get a good lease for you. I did not like that I'd be paying a part of my potential future royalty payments to Diceros forever.
How many acres do you own and can you provide the legal descriptions. I may know some parties who are interested in your acreage and would be willing to offer better terms than those being presented currently. Please contact me via email at [email protected] Thanks!