Help Finding a Cause CD#

Could someone point me in the right direction and show me where to find #201905756 on the OCC site? The applicant would be Camino and the legal is sections 21/28 10N 7W

The Cause number is right above the word “Filed” . 201905756 if I am reading the fuzzy copy correctly. You can look up any progress on it at the OCC. OAP. Type in the cause number in the case # box.

Thank you, but the search function on that link that you provided cannot find that #

You are right. I just tried it. How odd. They may be behind in posting. That happens every once in a while. Give them a week or so and try again.

Thank you. At this stage, should’ve all respondents been either pooled or an OGL signed?

The pooling is the last step. They usually do the spacing, then the horizontal, then the location exception before the pooling. The other cases are 201905598, 201905599 and 201905597. I do not see a pooling listed yet for section 21. Hearing supposed to be December 16, 2019 for the ones listed here. You can watch the docket results in a day or three and see if they delay it.

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