I am new to this and i was given paperwork about mineral land. How do i figure out if there is money or a well one that part of the land?
East half of the northeast quarter (E/2 NE/4) Section 9, township 4 North, Range 8 W.I.M
I am new to this and i was given paperwork about mineral land. How do i figure out if there is money or a well one that part of the land?
East half of the northeast quarter (E/2 NE/4) Section 9, township 4 North, Range 8 W.I.M
What State and County is your mineral interest located in?
Hi Misteby … assuming you are referring to Grady County Oklahoma. There are no active wells in that section that I could find. One map to check is at: https://datamining.occ.ok.gov/rbdmsweb_ok/OCCOGOnline.aspx
Another way is to search tax commission production: https://otcportal.tax.ok.gov/gpx/gp_PublicSearchPUNbyLegal.php Tick the search by legal choice. Enter STR (I omit the quarter) then submit.
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