Help with Reeves county well info please

Hi. I inherited a partial well interest a couple years ago in pecos, but have almost no info on it other than being told that it’s shut in. The info I have is that it’s Section 12, Block 54, T7, T&p Ry co. Any info would be greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

I also found an RRC number. 08-70774

Astro State hasn’t produced since 2021. I would guess that it is plugged now, maybe just SI. If all you own is a wellbore interest, then I would not expect that to produce again.

But…If you have minerals in Sec 12, one would guess that eventually there will be more wells drilled here. There is a bit of drilling to the NE of there. The Vital/Tall City Clorette Depasto (someone loved Animal House) wells that extend into Sec 11 are pretty good.

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I was told it’s minerals that covers about 690 acres. I get a shut in check every year but that’s all ive heard from them.

Animal House - I’m down with that… back when good movies were made.

I get a call about once a month from someone wanting to buy my rights. I’m just wondering if I should sell or hold out for the future since I’ve received nothing in the last few years.

Well, that’s the rub. It’s understandably hard to judge things when any offer is infinity times your current cash flow.

IMO, nobody here is informed enough to tell you that you should definitely sell or you should definitely not sell, without specifics.

It seems to me like its a seller’s market, but I can’t imagine its a good idea to sell without at least getting multiple offers.

If you do decide to entertain sales offers, remember to take into account the taxes that will be owed on any sale when weighing whether it makes sense for you or not.

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