Hilcorp - Late on payment?

Have not received payment since 4-25…Any others having the same issue?

Thx, Brian

Hilcorp is Ross Perot and son. You’ll get your money

Send a certified letter return receipt and ask why you have not gotten a check. Include your name, address, owner number from the previous check. It is possible that it was lost in the mail, the minimum payment went below your Division Order minimum or another logical reason.

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spoke to owner relations…was told this…XTO wasnt keeping very good books and habe not been properly deducting costs…

Hilcorp took over Jan1st and we received first Hilcorp check in March for Jan production. Assisde from SRVICE MKT FEE everything seemed fine. Check for April was for Feb productoin, and same as before with MKT FEE now being applied in positive amounts for some wells. Noticed a new fee for OTHER which seemss odd…

My qeustioning is since there is a statue of limitation on my claiming underpaid royalties… does this also apply for Hilcorp for issuing corrections to the like?

I find it hard to beleive tha XTO/Exxon would have not deducted fees properly and the idea that they wernt keeping very good books just doesnt seem correct.

Also if were paying back Hilcorp for XTO overpaying us then why would we receive a check from XTO in May for Oct 2023 production corrections?

I should add now were receiving no check for how long they couldnt tell us, nor any amounts of the overpayments etc… This all seems odd and I’ve never had any issues ever or heard of others having issues such as these in the past…

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See my response under your other post.

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