I do have mixed feelings about the discussions on this site. I remember reading an article years ago in the Oklahoman where people are discussing hiring illegals. One man quoted to a man in Nichol Hills," you boys better get out and learn how to operate your own lawn mowers". How true that is. I lived around Myrtle Beach SC for a while, who do people think maintains all of those golf courses? I do admit that there is a lot of unemployed Americans, and I truly believe 1/2 or more of those want to be unemployed by choice. I can't blame any of them for wanting to cross the boarders. I haven't found a lazy one yet! Those students come into our schools and within a year have excelled and sometimes exceeded our US students, and I work at a high school.
Believe this is a Mineral Rights Forum the last time I looked.
Linda, Pretty sure Deborah was trying to move a non-mineral rights issue off of the main thread so that people could continue the conversation if desired without taking up room on the main page for Logan Co.
I believe Linda is right. We don't need everyone's stories here involving illegal aliens whether they be from North or South of the border. or I might have to tell some of mine after several years in the buildiing trades. I've seen the good and the bad, but it doesn't belong here.
Everyone is right about the forum being a oil and gas mineral forum. However, we need to consider what it takes to develop huge oil and gas basin plays. My family owns a large mineral trust with acreage in the Arkoma Basin around Holdenville OK. The town is full of young white males who flat refuse to work the rigs, because they can collect welfare instead. If it were not for the Mexican people we would not be communicating about the drilling and completion of all our wells on this forum. The oil and gas companies that drill our wells simply can not operate without trained workers and would move on to other states where they can find dependable workers. Some of us on this forum operate oil and gas participation companies and have worked for large oil and gas companies, so we know what it takes to make it or break it.
Thank you Myranda, for seeing my point. I am new to the oil and gas pages, but I hopefully am smart enough to know that it takes all nationalities to get any oil and gas that I am hopefully awaiting processed! It's long hours, dirty work, and most people, even while being paid well, could tolerate for very long!
Regardless, I think all of us on the page can be considerate to one another. Some of the off topic rants on the threads that fills my inbox up is irritating, but if someone wants to make a separate conversation that I don't have to receive updates on, I don't have an objection. (Although, it might be smart to keep politically charged posts off of the forum all together...)
I think if we push too many people away from the forum because of OT posts, we run the risk of losing some of our local news. We need regular people to post that are either living in the area or have interest in the area so that we can all stay on top of our own interest.
Let's get this show on the road for oil and gas production in Oklahoma!
It stopped me from following the Logan county forum and assisting mineral owners. It looks like I still get notifications if a discussion topic is created or I would not have seen this one.
Myranda Shugart said:
Regardless, I think all of us on the page can be considerate to one another. Some of the off topic rants on the threads that fills my inbox up is irritating, but if someone wants to make a separate conversation that I don't have to receive updates on, I don't have an objection. (Although, it might be smart to keep politically charged posts off of the forum all together...)
I think if we push too many people away from the forum because of OT posts, we run the risk of losing some of our local news. We need regular people to post that are either living in the area or have interest in the area so that we can all stay on top of our own interest.
Myranda, I have no idea what you mean by "regular" people. I am living in TX right now, but have a home in OK and plan on returning once the drilling in TX slows down. In fact, I just returned from a 4 day oil and gas hearing in North Central OK and my husband is in Stillwater, right this very minute. My family has land and minerals in 5 states and 20 counties in OK including Logan, Payne, Lincoln, Grady, Garfield. I was born in SE OK where my dad was a ruffneck for over 40 years and where my husband's family has owned OK land and minerals since the late 1800's. I guess I'm a regular Okie who is occasionally irregular. LOL! Thanks for the memories and laughs.