Horizontal well status

I’m looking for a current well status for Brogden 2H-6-7 and Brogden 1H-6-31, in section 6, 12N, 11W. They were spudded 6/20 and 6/21 and I received photos and video of things moving out there, but nothing has been updated online at the OCC. Is there info somewhere I’m not aware of? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Welcome to the forum. You are probably asking a bit too early. It takes about four-five months to drill a two section well. And you have two of them, so they will probably drill both of them first and then frack them both with the same crew to save money. Completion reports will take about four months before showing up on the OCC.

One place where you can get early info is FracFocus to see if they are fracked. Those usually show up a few weeks after the frac. Use the Advanced Search and type in the state and well name.

The other place is the OTC Oklahoma Tax site to see if the well is active. It usually shows up a bit earlier than the OCC.


Sorry for jumping the gun. I had been seeing different codes used for other wells talked about here on this forum as the process progresses and had assumed it would be the same for these two. I will just sit back and be patient for now. Thanks for your help!!

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