Horizontal Wells Not Paying

Hello, I’m new here, but have read this forum for the past year. My family has some Mineral Rights in Upton County, Texas. They currently receive royalties on 7 vertical wells (oil & gas). We are trying to determine why we don’t receive any royalty on the following wells since they originate on our lease. The lease was signed in 1930. TC RR CO - A-378, Blk Y Sec 55

Existing Horizontal Wells Cowden28 - Well Nos: 2801AH & 2802BH Hasel28 - Well Nos: 2801AH & 2802BH MANN5 - Well No: 19H

Additionally, we see where there are 7 newly permitted horizontal wells that may be drilled in the future. We’d like to know who is potentially drilling them and when. We haven’t been contacted about this.

New Well Numbers are: 5501LH - API: 46142973 5501JH - API: 46142977 5502LH - API: 46142976 5502JH - API: 46142989 5503LH - API: 46142991 5513BH - API: 46142994 5504BH - API: 46142995

If you can advise where I can look to find out this information or whom I should contact. I’ve looked at numerous sites to find the above information, but can not find any information about horizontal wells.

Thank you, F and J

You have all the information you need to check the railroad commission website and check the dtatus of the property and who it is operating it. Sometimes even a quick goodgle search will produce this information

I see the vertical wells and the 6 new horizontals that are permitted. The others go North with the pad in A-378. The operator for the six new horizontals that are permitted can be found on the Gis Viewer. You will need to put the API# in the right hand upper corner. then right click on that well to get the permit info. Currently The GIS is being worked on as it is Sunday so I cannot get that info for you. MK

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@FandJ, your situation looks normal and correct. The existing wells have surface locations in A-378, but no productive lateral or perforations in that area. Since you have an existing active lease, a new lease wouldn’t be needed for the 7 new permitted wells. You should receive a division order when these wells start producing, but they are still showing as uncompleted. RRC GIS Viewer will show the info you are looking for (COG Operating is the permitted operator for the new wells)

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Thank you MK. I am now able to pull that information up on the GIS viewer. I appreciate the screenshots too. Have a good Sunday!

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Thank you Kathy. I am now able to see that info in the RRC.

Thank you Pete. I do see the information now in the RRC Viewer and that COG is the operator for these new wells. Thanks for pointing me to this.

On the existing wells that have surface locations on A-378, how are you able to determine if they have any lateral or perforations in/on our lease? I can’t see that information. I can only see that they appear to originate from our lease.

Thank you again. Fred

@FandJ, Fred, you can follow the ‘Drilling Permits’ link on the well detail screen from the RRC viewer and continue to find the well plat map near the bottom of the permit information. Screen shots attached to show the plat for well 19H in A-378.

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Thank you Pete. I appreciate your help!

You can look in the online files to verify this information, but it might not be that easy to figure out for the average layman who doesn’t work with this information regularly. The Texas Railroad Commission will have reviewed the information and would not have approved the spacing unit if there was any productive wellbore under your lease.

Thanks Steve. What online files are you referring to? The information from RRC or some other source? I appreciate your input. I’m definitely a layman in regards to mineral rights.

Things like directional surveys and completion reports which would show the location of the wellbores and the producing perforated intervals.

I’ll see if I can find that information. I appreciate you responding again.
Thank you Steve!

The Plat maps in the drilling permit document section will show you the location of the surface hole, bottom hole and and take points along the bore. It’s the take points that matter in terms of your lease and property.

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Thank you Lost_Aggie! I appreciate any and all information I can get. I’ll look into this further. Have a good Sunday.

Thank you for this information! I have an approved W-1 permit on a horizontal well and was able to verify that the bottom hole is also the last take point and it sits right under my land. It was recently approved so now we wait.

Is there a status anywhere that shows when drilling begins? I know of the completion reports but I’d love to know when it truly starts. Is that reflected on the W-1 or in another report that I haven’t found yet?

Again, thanks for the education!

I watch the RRC and also use EnergyLink/MineralIQ to track permits, rigs and production. You may get a free account on those platforms if your Operator uses them. It’s been very helpful to me. Production reports lag actual production by 2-3 months so you may not know right away. I’d be interested to hear if there’s a better way to track this too. That’s just the approach I’ve cobbled together over the years.