How can I find out if I have Mineral Rights?

How can I find out if I have mineral rights?

I saw something from 2020 in this form about the Bashara well. How can I get information about that?

Years ago, I received something from Oklahoma saying I had or someone in my family I never met had rights and left it in a will. Never really went anywhere

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you


You can search for names in your family on You will have to specify the county you want to search.

There are several Bashara wells in OK.
Bashara 1-36 is in 36-09N-05W in Grady County. Well is active

Bashara 2-6 is in 6-07N-04W in McClain County. Well is Plugged and Abandoned

Mike Bashara 1 is in 6-07N-04W in McClain County. Well is Plugged and Abandoned

Bashara Mike 2-6 is in 6-07N-04W in McClain County. Well is Plugged and Abandoned

I use the Advanced Search in and can search in all counties at one time. Your relative may have filed a probate in one county, but had minerals in another county.

I see quite a few Basharas listed, so one of them maybe related to you.

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