How do I look up drilling permits by company ? I am curious where Resolute is moving their rig next - they pooled half of our 80 acres but aren't drilling the other half ....
John – go to RRC Permit Site (W-1):
In upper panel on right choose ‘County’, i.e., ‘Reeves’
On second panel under ‘Operator No.’, enter Resolute’s Op. No. 703352
Click ‘Submit’ in lower left corner. Later -- Buzz
Here's the link for drilling permits
On the page that pulls up you'll need to select Reeves on the pull down list at the top right of the page, put Resolute in the blank for Operator that's about half way down the page, and at the bottom of the page fill in From and To dates...I use the blanks for Submitted Dates so the most current permits will pull up even if not approved.
thanks~ I needed that... hopefully they will pick up their option on the other 40 acres
John, where is your tract located?
Mike E said:
John, where is your tract located?
John Harris said:
Sec 3 Blk C-21 PSL
the well is the steamworks - looks like everything they have permitted goes west from here. nothing happening north, east or south for over a mile or more.
Mike E said:John, where is your tract located?