If my grandmother had this mineral well trust that was set up and it’s been money going into it since 94 and she passed away no will and I am hier what correct manner do I need to go to her these funds I got death certificate and affidavit of heirship is there any other paper I need to go forth to get the royaltys and such
The trust document(s) will usually tell you what can and can’t be done with the minerals, including if/when the trust can be dissolved, etc. We would need to know the state in which the minerals are in at the very least, and even then we may not be able to help without knowing the trust document details.
Oklahoma Stephens county the lady said the death certificate affected hiership and the probated will but state and stamped no will so now what is a decree lost and a dummy
You need to have the Will probated in the State in which the minerals are located, in this case, Oklahoma. Some companies may accept the Affidavit, but it does not act to make your mineral interests marketable under Oklahoma law.
Ok thanks for taking the time to help me out much appreciated
If grandmother had a trust and deeded the minerals into it (technically to the trustee) then there should be no need for a probate or affidavit of heirship. Generally an affidavit of a successor trustee is sufficient to enable you to deal with the property. But if the minerals were not in the trust, your grandmother’s will probably had a pour-over provision. Basically, the Will instructs the executor to place any property into the trust. Bing Crosby had one just like this.
That in question was supposed to be our dad’s but he was killed in 1972 and we have never got any thing of any minerals but his 3 sisters and they aunt did and aunt jerry who was nannies bro asked why we had not recieved any like they had and this is a big question because our dad was like a fine watch when it came to documents and wrote every small detail down so it wasnt a error on his part but where did his money go not to his 2 hiers and seems we may be yet snookered again because my dad was an inventor and had over 700 Patten’s and with R AND ALREADY HAD ANOTHER 200 IN RT TO BE DONE AND IT ALL DISAPPEARED AS DID HIS CORPORATE STUF AND THE CORPORATION AND MY MOM WAS LEFT WITH NOTHING AND SO THAT HIS HOW I KNOW IT WAS SO BUT NOT IN OUR FAVOR TO MANY PAPER TRANS RHAT JUST CUT OUT AROUND THE SAME DATE AND OTHERS OUT OF SPRIT