How many wells pertain to my land

Hello Y’all,

We leased an mineral interest last year in Martin County. XTO is drilling a plethura of wells on the acreage involved. We own an interest in Section 36, Block 36, T2N in the N/80 acres of the NW/4. T&P Ry. Co. Survey.

Question I have is XTO is drilling the HILL units A and B wells. Can anyone please tell me out of the number of wells drilled that XTO has spud in the last several months, how many pertain to the N/80 acres of the NW/4.

I’m hoping a production sharing agreement results from this interest as the drilling involves three separate sections in the same Block and Survey.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

@Rick5, This should be the area you are in. :slight_smile: MK

“Well, you told me I have a plethora. And I just would like to know if you know what a plethora is. I would not like to think that a person would tell someone he has a plethora, and then find out that that person has no idea what it means to have a plethora”.

  • Sincerely, El Guapo :grinning: (sorry plethora always makes me think of 3 Amigos)

That should be the Hill 1 unit. (W2 of Sec 36 and Sec 25) They have spud 7 wells there total. Rigs are still there, would assume they will drill the last 2 wells (of the 9 Hill 1 permits) also.

Its 2 sections. The SHL/pad is in Sec 37 but your unit is the +/-640 acres that is the W2 of Sec 36 and 25. You’ll get your share of whatever you own in that 641.65 acres.

Check out the RRC’s wells spudded data realization resource:]

Hi NMoilboy,

Thanks for the info. The interest owned is 1/4 of 1/4 in the N/80 acres of 36. We have an interest in the two vertical Jones wells drilled there years ago. Over a 1.5% royalty interest. Get a lot of offers to purchase this interest. Not interested. Again thanks for the info.

Using your acreage figure I’ve come up with the following royalty decimal interest. Please correct me if I’m wrong, as math is not my forte:

1/16 divided by 1/4 x 80/641.65 = .001948 x 7 wells = 1.3636%

I think they will drill 9 wells total. You should have .00195 in each of them.

XTO or Exxon, is a great company for us. I for one am glad it’s XTO doing the drilling for this lease, and who will most likely will distribute the revenue. We have several ventures with XTO in Pecos County, the gunpowder wells, and in Lea county NM. The james ranch and poker lake units.

Hope they drill all 9 wells!

Same question slightly different location

Sec. 4, Blk. 36, T1S – Martin County, TX (Bowlin & Flanagan Lease

There are quite a few vertical wells, depending on where you are in the section. It doesn’t look like there are any horizontals yet. Keep in mind that the RRC viewer is usually 3-6 months behind actual permits.

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