We have been given the option to buy half of our mineral rights for our 40 acres in Choctaw County. It had a lease back in 2008 but it did not produce anything. How much would it be worth for half of the non producing mineral rights?
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Really, not much. The last oil and gas lease taken in all of Choctaw County was in 2019. So, maybe, $50 x 20 = $1000.00. Even then you’re probably overpaying
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Tim is spot on, but if you can buy them, I’d highly suggest you do! Good luck!
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Ive got 320 acres of minerals on one of my farms that had a dry well drilled on it that I would sell for $50 an acre in a heartbeat to invest in something else. I was going to say $5-10 an acre. To the OP, youd have better luck investing the money into a stock and making money