HOW TO FIND a landman or attorney in EASTLAND COUNTY

I had a landman, Stephenson, in Eastland confirm to me the existence of my Pioneer family mineral rights as still in my Grandfathers name, with my mom his only heir, and thousands in royalties being held in the county coffers, per the landman.

They wanted part of the stake when we initially understood they just wanted a % of any funds recovered, they also confirmed leases with Citation Oil, who doesn’t pick up the phone.

My mom’s medical condition needed help with all the after math and fall out of years and years of asking this person and county personnel to give information, no one can help.

Can anyone tell me how to find a landman in or around Eastland County that you pay hourly instead of having to hand over a stake, to confirm ownership.

Thank you for reading this far, any ideas very appreciated! Have a Great Texas Day

I encountered exactly this type of scenario-- a company/person contacted me, wanting a stake in “lost” property-- where my family had owned it for generations-- but the current operator did not have contact info for us-- so everything was being held in suspense (or escheated to the state); you do not want to give an ownership stake (generally) to these kinds of people-- you will want to hire a landman, by the hour-- it won’t be cheap-- but at least you know exactly how much you are giving up to get the title “clear” and payments to you restored… If you give up an ownership share, before you even know what has accumulated (or likely to be paid in the future), you have no idea how much you are paying for this counterparty to do the work of getting the ownership clarified (and corrected in all the relevant regulatory bodies).

I have a landman (actually a woman) that I have used to do this very thing-- she is based in OK, but did work for our family in Texas, California, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Illinois, and Indiana… if you would like me to give you her contact info, please send me a private message with your email address or phone number (as I’m not comfortable just posting all her contact info on this forum).

If you are really interested in locating the lost royalties, you should send a letter to Citation Oil along with any information you have on your claim to ownership. Do you have any information showing legal descriptions, well names, operators (other than Citation)? That is where you can begin on your own. Letter work much better than e-mails or phone calls.

Thank you so much! Yes, I have a letter with the W.A. Cannon survey 1039, volume and page number, the County said the original family tract of 84 acres is now apparently “split”, so that’s a whole new dynamic!!

I’d like to have at least the frickin street address its in Rising Star,they fought off indians and came in from Texarkana from the Carolinas’/Ireland in the 1600’s!!!

I did 11 years unpaid caregiving of my last relative, near ambulatory, burned thru my savings and after the L.A. fires, I am homeless, in an office and my vehicle, would really appreciate any ideas