How to find division orders and legal descriptions

On the Texas Unclaimed Property site, I discovered that there are a number of royalty payments due to my deceased husband from wells and/or property his family owned.

They are asking for property info (they provided property IDs) and division orders for the properties. I have no idea where to begin to find this info.

Can someone point me in the right direction please and thank you!

Do you have any paperwork that has clues to the descriptions with a county, operator, old check stubs, probate documents, etc.? The property ID might help with the RCC maps, but if they are internal company IDs then it won’t.

You could start with a look on and look up his name and any ancestors that he might have had that gave it to him. That could give you the first start. It is relatively inexpensive to look (free) and print (small fee).

If the unclaimed property gives the operator name, then you can contact the operator and ask them what you need to do to get copies of the Division Orders.

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ve been trying to find documentation, however I can’t find anything among his papers. The only info I have is the property IDs and Company name. Mostly Chevron, a few TEP Barnett, and two Sunoco. I’ll try reaching out to them.

I just saw your post and am somewhat confused - who is asking for property info and division orders?

A couple of years ago, I starting receiving offers to buy mineral rights I did not know I had a claim to. After determining the rights were in the name of a relative, I searched Texas Unclaimed Property and found years of payments. TUP only required me to provide proof that I was the legal heir of the named person and then they paid the amounts they held.

After that, I contacted each of the entities that had escheated funds to TUP and asked if they had the relative on their books and what I needed to do to get on their pay list, Again, I had to provide proof of heirship which had to be filed in multiple counties and then the info provided to the payer.