How do I look up a pooling order for a well location?
Give the section, township and range and the well you are interested in.
I am trying to find information about Section 28, Township 24 N, Range 4 W, Garfield County. We received information about a modify order (no. 631152) that was dismissed. The applicant was Wicklund Petroleum Corporation. That is all the information on the sheet. The mineral rights were in my father’s name and he died in 2010. My mom and I never knew he owned them. We were contacted by someone about the oil well and mineral rights in Garfield County several years ago, we told them my dad was dead and they sent us paperwork about transferring them to my mom. (Insert long story here) After sending his will through probate, we tried contacting them again and could get no response. We now know he purchased the mineral rights in Garfield, Kingfisher and possibly a couple other counties in the 1980s. There is nothing as far as any type of account with the Treasurer’s Office holding money from the well in Garfield County. I’ve tried researching this on my own and asking a couple friends in the oil and/or land business. I didn’t find much and basically everyone else just wants to buy the mineral rights, which we do not want to sell. We don’t have a lot of money and I would really like to get whatever I can for my mom. She is 82 and could use any extra money that is owed to us. I don’t really have anything to pay an oil and gas lawyer to look this all up. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Jennifer, you look up the order in the online records at [OAP Orders and Case Files]. Once you have the order pulled up, you can see the Cause CD # that will let you search again to see related actions.
You can research ownership through the Garfield County Clerk’s office at Welcome to the Garfield County Clerk's Official Site but keep in mind that their online records aren’t always perfect. It would be best to have a copy of the index for that section to be sure nothing is missing. You could obtain that by calling the Register of Deeds’ office in Garfield County.
Hope this helps. Phil Smith, RPL