How to locate my oil producing property

We inherited our dad’s land and oil royalties amd was wondering what particular land it’s paying on

Welcome to the forum and condolences on your father’s passing.

Do you have descriptions for the properties? It should have been described in the probate documents.

If your father was getting paid, start there. You may find statements and/or 1099s from companies paying him. If there are pay stubs, they should have enough information to allow you to identify the land involved. Also, check unclaimed property in your father’s state and in the state where the minerals were located.

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Well there is a latitude and longitude coordinates on the online site I login to to check his statements does that mean the land it’s on ?

There should be a section, township and range if it is in Love County. Send a certified letter return receipt to the operator’s Owner Relations or Division Order department and ask what you need to do to transfer the payments to the heirs. The operators usually require something along the lines of death certificates, probate documents, heirs’ drivers licenses, etc.

Also remember to file the heirs’ names and addresses and copies of the probate documents in the county where the minerals are located. The recorder of deeds can tell you if you need a special form. Some counties have requirements for the size of paper, margins, etc.

The statement should list the well name(s). If you are using a service like Energy Link, the wells are usually listed. Or the division order analyst can tell you.

I am just addressing the location issue. The Lat/Long information is the well location for a vertical well and in some cases for a horizontal well. You can use the link to help you convert a Lat/Long to a general legal description. Good luck.

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