How to sell in Texas

We are trying to sell Mineral Rights on property in Bastrop County Texas. ,677 acres. Do you need to list it somewhere?

Thanks for your advice

Are you sure you have 677 acres or do you have a portion of 677 acres? If you are looking at an old deed, you may have had generational fractionation as the acres were divided up over several generations through multiple heirs. You would need to know that fact first. Do you have only the mineral rights or surface as well. Another important thing to know.

3 siblings have 50% of 543 acres. And 100% of 123 acres

Not sure about surface rights.

Don from Texas posted how you helped him. Your amazing. I couldn’t reply to his post. Where would you check in the event checks are out there somewhere?

Thanks Caroline and Robert

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I check the Unclaimed Funds in the states where ancestors have lived and also Delaware.
In OK, I also check on the Oklahoma Corporation Commission Mineral Owners Escrow Account location. I also contact all of the operators that are on my tracts to see if any funds are in suspense and why.

M. Barnes I wish I understood what you are saying. It’s awful not knowing anything :pensive:

Sorry, it is a whole new world if you are not familiar.

You had asked about checks out there somewhere. Here is the Texas Unclaimed Property site.

If you know your abstract, I can show you a map to see if there are any wells on your property. If there are some, you need to contact the operator to make sure that you are in pay.

Why also check Delaware?

Some companies have their domicile in Delaware. If they cannot find a royalty owner to pay, some escheate the funds to to their state of domicile.

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