How to verify a well doesn't enter your property undergrond

My family and I own several sections outside the town of Plains. It has been leased but currently is not leased. A well has been drilled on the section between ours (by the company that last leased our property) really close to our property line. How do we verify they are not taking oil from under our property? Is there a setback for a well to keep it at a distance to another property to ensure minerals are not being taken from beneath the adjacent property? How do we ensure they have not gone horizontally into our property? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

You can go online with your property info and find which direction the wells nearby are drilled. I have a property NE of Plains, and the well is on the property border, but the directional drilling just goes under the section that is leased. Hope this helps! Steve L

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Go on the RRC website and look at the well permit plat. That will show where the wellbore will be located and the distance from the lease line. The RRC field rules specify the minimum distance from the lease line for the producing wellbore.


Thank you for all the help. I was able to find the directional drilling Maps and was able to verify the well did not go under our property

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