I have mineral interests in Howard Co., my royalties ( 2 wells: Cougar A and Andre D)have considerably decreased suddenly. Can anyone help me understand the huge difference from April Vs. June 2022.
Obvious statement forthcoming: Your production was much lower in Mar/Apr on those wells. See below. Green line is oil.
Why lower? There are a whole bunch of offset wells drilled in late 2021, some of which were probably fracked in 2022. I’d guess your wells were shut in somewhat to try to limit frac hits etc. Hopefully they bounce back. I’d assume you have interest in the Andre A & C wells drilled between the Andre D/Cougar wells also, so that would be a good thing. Two maps are the same, I just tried to highlight offset wells on the one on the right.
Hopefully that makes some sense.
From what I see on the RR Comm. GIS map there are two wells being drilled and possibly being completed in the area of the Cougar and Andre wells and they may be shut-in for a couple of week or longer until the 2 wells get completed(fracked) which is normal procedure. Be patient
Thanks for your help, Im still trying to understand.
Thank you for your help
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