Hi. My husband and I signed a lease in 2017. The royalty rate is 16%. We didn’t know the land was producing (EQT) until 2024, when we got postcards from companies that wanted to buy our “producing rights.”
After some back-and-forth with EQT, we received a royalty check that dated back, on 3 wells, to start of production. This check was less than $2,000. The decimal on our statements is 0.00005577.
This is an example on just one well for June/July 2024. The well’s total BOE is 1.1 million and it usually runs between 55 and 60 mcf. My biggest concern is gathering fee and gathering fee WI Only. How do I verify the gathering fee, and why is a working interest item being deducted from gross? (We have no working interest).
Thanks in advance for helping if you can.