Ice family/Stella George

A year ago we were approached by phone from a woman who represented Antero. She said she was tracking Ice family members who had mineral rights through My husband's grandmother, Stella George. She reported back that she was still researching. We haven't heard anything and I was wondering if anyone knows about it. Not sure where the land is located - only that it's Doddridge county

Antero may not be pursuing the interests right now. They have slowed down in the last year because of prices going down. You can research the records through the courthouse. I think they have them online if I am right. There are some on here that can give you the site when they chime in.

Yes DT some of the Doddridge records are online Doddridge records

I think all of the recent ones are here, and some of the older ones but hard to predict about them.

I know there are some members of the Ice family in Tyler county, and those are all online. Tyler record

That link is to their newer records. If you use Internet Explorer, and go to Document Imaging, and wait a second, you can see Right Click as the top line right side button. Right click on that to download the software to view the old records. You can ask if you need help with it. But Doddridge does not have that capability yet.

DT is right about Antero slowing down on interest, except just where they have drilling plans in the near future, at least that is my understanding. Eventually they will probably get back to all those they were interested in, but it might be a couple of years or so.

They may not be working hard at it, but there is a lot you can do while waiting for them. I'd call her back, if you got her number. Ask her for some additional details. Especially the farm name and well numbers they are researching. Most things can be found online, if you can get one or the other of those details then I can probably help you with the research from person to person. (At least get you started, as I am still digging through my cousin's mess.)

You can't print documents from Doddridge county, but you can use your PC to do a print screen and copy it into a word or paint document. Function and print then control V into the document. It gets you something you can keep up with. Write everything down and print as much as you can stand. =) Send me a friend request if you need some help getting started.