Identifying Wells in a Unit

What is the best resource to determine which wells are included in a Unit?

You need to be a bit more specific. The word Unit is used in several different ways. Some wells have the word “unit” in the name, but only one well is in the spacing. Other wells are included in a Water Flood Unit. Those units can be looked up at the OCC.

Thank you. These are oil and gas wells. Specifically in Kingfisher County, OK, SE4, Sec 30-18N-6W.

You can look up the surface locations on the OCC wellrecords site. the location box shows those wells in the SE4. You need to check the permits (Form 1000) to see if other wells in the section may also be in a spacing with SE4.
Form 1001A is spud, Form 1002A is the completion. Form 1003 is plugging. Form 1073 is change of operator. The three horizontal wells are spaced at 640 so hold the SE 4 at their reservoir(s).

Thank you for the information.

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