I have an interest in certain tracts in Nueces County, Texas for which the prior owner sold the gas but retained the oil rights. When the gas rights were sold the specific language in the deed states that Conveyance of Gas, Casinghead Gas, natural gasoline, condensate and other products and derivatives of gas and casinghead gas: “It is distinctly understood and agreed that no interest in oil or oil royalty is conveyed by Grantors to Grantee under this conveyance, and for purposes of this conveyance, oil shall be considered to be any liquid hydrocarbons, regardless of gravity, capable of being produced form said premises at the well in liquid form by ordinary production methods which are not the result of condensation of gas after it leaves the reservoir.”
Knowing that we still own the oil, I am attempting to identify the ten tracts on the RRC GIS Public Viewer but having no luck. As an example, one tract of 200 acres is said to be from Andres Fernandez de la Fuente known as "Puenticitas" Grant, State Abstract 111. This is a rather large abstact and as such I am looking for "A part of Section No. 87, George H. Paul Subdivision of the Driscoll Ranch and A part of Section No. 88, George H. Paul Subdivision of the Driscoll Ranch."
GIS viewer will show me abstact 111, but how do i narrow it down to identify the 200 acres?